User Input

User Input

Hello Friends, I am Nirav. And in this tutorial I going to show you User Input in Python..
So, Let's get Started

Why we wants user input ?

          If you wants to develop some think for user that user can give his/her personal details and based on that your program will be work so that time we have to use user input.

For EX:-      If you want to make a calculator than you have to get input from user side to enter numbers and after that enter arithmetic operation to perform.

Arithmetic operations :- * , / , - , + , %

          So, as you shown in upper it's store name in String datatype
When you enter a value at that time if you don't put value in double invoted coma than it's treat that value as a integer and if you put that value in double invoted coma than it's treat as a String datatype.

 Input more than one at a time

          In python if you want to input more than one value at a time That's possible...
By just give inputs as a list in input window.

Perform some operation on input value

           If you want to perform some operation on input values than it's possible.

Foe EX:- If user input some number and you want to print Double of that number than it's possible ....

You also visit my you tube video regarding to this Topic


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